New Issue IJCCR!

Volume 25 of the International journal of Community Currency Research is now complete with the second yearly issue.

IJCCR 25 (2021) Issue 2

In this issue you will find the following articles.

Managing complementary currencies and the blockchain technology:
a conversation with Bernard Lietaer

Marek Hudon and Camille Meyer

I Buoni di Riace: A complementary currency as a strategic tool to resist the mafia and transform the migration crisis into an opportunity

Barbara Priolo

Degrees of consensus and experts’ views on Community and Complementary Currencies

Sanel Alberto Contreras Ramirez

The thoroughly disaggregated quantity equation

Samo Kavčič

Understanding the recent dynamics of local currency initiatives in Switzerland

Christoph Stamm

Book review:
Bazzani, G. (2020) When money changes society: the case of Sardex money as community

Jérôme Blanc